
What exactly is the 2600 Club?

Earn collectable trading cards for your Atari 2600 scores! New games and cards are available to you every month!

The Inspiration for the 2600 Club:

Did you miss out on the collectable Activision Patches back in the day? This is our inspiration! You submit scores and earn trading cards like what Activision did with patches.

How does the 2600 Club work? How do I get my trading card?

Click the Submit Score link and enter your information. Select the game (there is a drop-down showing you which games we’re accepting scores on, and what you need to earn that card.) You’ll also need to include a photograph of your achievement (no desktop screenshots!) You can only earn the same card once. But you can submit higher scores for the same game for leaderboard recognition. You can receive one card with a referral. To earn cards for more games you must be a member of the Patreon (go here for details: https://patreon.com/atari2600).

Are there any other rules or things I need to know?

Yes! Please read the terms of service for complete details!